What are the challenges facing the HR area in 2022? Paola Méndez Amigo, Head of HR at Coldview tells us all the details.
After almost two years since the appearance of remote work and the progressive implementation of the hybrid modality, the Human Resources area has had to face great challenges.
Paola tells us what they are and what strategies they use to overcome them.
HR in 2022 after the irruption of remote work
In 2020, abruptly, many companies were forced to implement remote work to continue performing their work, and Coldview was no exception.
In this regard, Paola comments: “I think the big challenge of remote work is the integration and transmission of the company’s culture. Coldview has grown a lot during the pandemic and most of us have never seen each other in person.”
In addition, he adds that “meetings become punctual, only for work issues and there are few spaces for coexistence within the teams and with other areas.”
In this context, integrating new employees and transmitting the company’s culture to them is a challenge.
For the HR area in 2022, things are beginning to change. Months ago, the offices in Mexico began to work in hybrid mode, and in December the team at the Buenos Aires headquarters also joined.
HR in 2022, strategies to achieve integration
After many months, we met again and the high cheekbones behind the face masks show the joy it represents for the team.
Now it is time to resume the activities that allow us to continue strengthening our community. To this end, Méndez Amigo says that HR “is designing creative integration events, with fun activities to get to know each other better and share experiences that strengthen bonds”.
Like, for example, the breakfast held in mid-March where we welcomed Ana María Cuello, Country Manager of Coldview Mexico. (photo)

This is why 2022 will be a year focused on meetings at Coldview with the objective of:
In fact, our Head of HR assures that “it has an impact on everyone’s well-being and directly on customer experience and business indicators”.
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