By reporting incidents with the ticketing system your organization can get a quick response from the Technical Support sector. Here are all the benefits of this platform.
The ticketing system to report incidents is a tool that allows the Technical Support area to provide better customer service. Its installation provides benefits such as: improving communication, reducing response times, and detecting frequent cases so that they stop occurring.
In this article, we will tell you about the platform we use at Coldview and what we have achieved with its implementation. A review of the advantages of the system and the impact it has on customer service for those customers who have not yet incorporated it.
Why does incident reporting by ticketing system improve customer service?
We currently use the Freshdesk platform throughout Latin America, whose features help us to offer better customer service. It allows us to:
This platform is already used by many of our clients. As a result of its use, we were able to improve communication, lower response times, and detect which cases are reported more frequently, making them stop being presented.
How does the customer benefit from using this incident reporting platform by tickets?
The ticket platform is not only a tool that facilitates attention by the Technical Support area but also provides numerous advantages to our customers. Among them:

What happens in cases where the ticketing platform is not used for incident reporting?
In cases where the ticketing platform is not used, the volume of requests or incidents reported makes the system ineffective. Some reports may have a late resolution, remain unanswered, or unresolved. This has at least two consequences: first, the service scope of the technical support department is insufficient and, second, the customer is dissatisfied.
This is why the traceability of tickets is another of FreshDesk’s great successes. We have a complete database that allows us to prioritize and track each activity.
At the same time, the platform allows us to quickly detect failures through the creation of categories and intelligent metrics. This makes it possible to correlate problems and their recurrence, quickly detecting the causes and, in many cases, the solution for each case.
In conclusion, we can confirm that thanks to its features, the ticket service has multiple advantages. For example, it improves response and resolution times. It also provides constant control and follow-up of each incident for users and agents. At the same time, it allows the feedback of the customer-agent service and its constant improvement. And this is just to mention some of the qualities of the system.
Your organization does not yet have incident reporting by ticket system?
Contact us and we will tell you how we can implement this platform so that your organization can also benefit from it.